
Diarrhea Signs and Symptoms
Signs and Symptoms: Is usually caused by consuming contaminated food or water, seldom lasts for more than a few days. If it persists for more than a week or if at any time blood is seen in the motions, a more serious infection should be suspected, you should consult with your doctor. May be severe with frequent watery stools with symptoms of dehydration (thirst, dry mouth and tongue, headache and weakness) due to loss of body fluids and salt. Is treated by taking Oral rehydration Salts (ORS) mixture and drinking plenty of fluids. Treatment Should be started early to prevent dehydration. If dehydration is already present it is essential to treat it to prevent further deterioration. 1) Pre-packed ORS mixtures are available at pharmacies and should be taken according to the instructions on the packet. 2) If not available, make up the following simple but effective remedy and take 1-2 glassfuls for each loose stool passed: One level teaspoonful of salt and eight level teaspoons of sugar dissolved in 1 liter of clean water (5-6 cupful’s), taken in frequent small amounts (large swallows may cause nausea) 3) Drink extra fluid to maintain a good output of pale urine. A total of three or more liters a day may be necessary. If only small amounts of dark yellow or brown urine are being passed, drink more water. Vomiting: If vomiting is severe, the rehydration solutions should be taken in small sips every few minutes. If there is no improvement after a few hours, consult with a doctor. Anti diarrhea drugs may ease the symptoms in a mild attack but are best avoided unless the need is urgent. Antibiotics may make the condition worse and should only be taken on the advice of a doctor. If preventative anti-biotics are being taken, they should be discontinued. Milk and alcohol should be avoided.

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